
  • 咸鱼哥带你重回《年轻》状态


    大家还记得咸鱼哥第一次帮我们直播的时候是去年的事吗?今年带着妻子和女儿卷土重来为我们的L'eaine Skincare 直播!今晚9pm见!直播在咸鱼哥粉丝页!万众期待的粉丝大回馈!

  • Loyalty Program

    Hi Lovelies!Greetings from L'eaine Skincare team, hope you're coping well in this season!We’re very excited to announce the launch of our Loyalty Program. We’ve created lots of exciting and exclusive rewards to say thank you to our amazing customers, like...

  • Grand Draw on 3/9/2020

    Grand Draw on 3/9/2020

    For those who made purchases from 1/7/2020 to 31/8/2020, it's means that your name are in our Grand Draw now. We will randomly pick lucky customers for every prize.Stay Tune and Join our Facebook Live for the Grand Draw.Like &...

  • 美颜排毒分享会 - 9/7/2020 9pm

    美颜排毒分享会 - 9/7/2020 9pm

    We are delighted to invite MediaCorp Love 972 DJ - Violet Fenying to host the “Beauty Detox Sharing Session” tonight.Together with her, we have our special guest, Madam Anna Phua, who will be sharing with us the knowledge and tips...

  • 《艺人直播》- 第三集

    《艺人直播》- 第三集

    靓女美颜分享会因为疫情关系美容院迄今还没营业跟新传媒 LOVE 972 最爱频道DJ 陈粉樱一起学习怎么在家DIY面部刮痧!面部刮痧好处:1、激活受损的细胞,促进和恢复细胞活力。2、通经活络,美白祛斑,活血化淤,排毒抗氧。3、收缩毛孔,收紧皮肤4、平复皱纹,延缓衰老锁定我们的节目 5.6.2020 9pm